domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Barra de Valizas


En enero de 2009 encontré la manta que fue carátula del folleto de la exposición del Día del Partimonio 2009. La misma que hoy es la carátula de este blog. En aquel entonces fue la curiosisdad la que llevó a sacar la foto ya que meternos a fondo en la tradición de las mantas traperas no era una idea formada.

La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de sentarme a conversar con la autora de esa manta su costura y sus demas intereses.

Bah, yo me senté, ella no paró un segundo de cocinar tortas para vender a los turistas. María es muy conversadora y abierta. Estaba muy contenta de hablar de sus trabajos, poesia, cocina, pintura, costura. Me fui con la promesa de enviarle una copia del folleto de la exposición y un forro de almohadón hecho por mis manos.
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On January of 2009 I found the quilt that was on the program of the exhibit of the Heritage Weekend of that year, the same one that is on the header of this blog. Back then, it was curiosity what led me to take that picture with the beautiful sand dunes on the background. At that time the idea of digging deep into the tradition of quilting in Uruguay was not formed yet.

Last week I had a chance to sit and talk with Maria Emiliana de author of that quilt. Well, I was the one that sat, Maria did not sit still and while we talked , she cooked not stop baking cakes to sell to the tourists. She was happy to talk about family, friends, sewing, painting, writing. I left with a promise to send her a copy of the program and a pillow cover made by my own hands.

1 comentario:

  1. Gostaria de participar de uma destas visitas ao interior do Uruguai.Este trabalho está encantando também algumas artistas Têxtil de São Paulo. Ainda faremos alguma coisa juntas!
